Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 21 & 22

31st July 2024

When one can meditate on God as the Self, there will be a constant company of Him in all activities. This is the state of mind of a Yogi who engages with the world with great joy and cheer.

For those who struggle to focus on the formless Self, the Lord provides more specific points for meditation. He begins with His own Pauranic and cosmic manifestations as Vishnu, the Sun, Marut, and the Moon.

According to tradition, the Vedas are considered the breath of the Lord since they reveal Him. Among the Vedas, the Lord's special manifestation is the Sama Veda. He is also known as Indra among the gods who reside in the heavens.

The quality of the mind and discriminative intellect determines the evolution of beings. The Lord Himself is the mind and intelligence of all living beings.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 19 & 20

30th July 2024

The cosmos is limitless and human understanding of it is way too limited. If we understand that the entire cosmos is pervaded by the Lord, His manifestations are also unlimited.

With the available scientific theories and equipment what we know is more than what we knew a few decades back. But what we can know in the future can only cover part of His manifestations.

Lord Krishna started to enumerate the important manifestations that are worthy of meditation, as Arjun requested. First and foremost He says, "I am the Self which is residing in everyone's heart. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings!'

What other pointer do we need to meditate on Him? Meditate as your own Self. He is never absent and always with you!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 17 & 18

29th July 2024

According to the Yogasutras of Patanjali, emptying the mind completely is considered Yoga, which leads to serene meditation. The bhakti sutras suggest that continuous thoughts about God also accomplish the same. 

In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna how to know Him through constant remembrance, and he also seeks to understand which specific objects are worthy of meditation. 

One might wonder if we would get distracted by meditating on these objects. The answer is that we would only get distracted if we do not see His presence in them.

Although Lord Krishna has briefly explained His manifestations in the 7th and 9th chapters of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna wants to hear an extended version. He feels that he is not fully satisfied and wishes to listen again and again.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 15 & 16

28th July 2024

I can see your physical form, but I do not know what is in your mind. You know both your physical form and the thoughts and feelings in your mind. You alone know who you are. Can anyone else know you if you do not share?

We cannot see God's form unless He wishes to show us. All devotees pray to have His 'darshan'. We can know much less about what He really is unless He shares with us! He alone knows who He is.

This is true for our own higher Self too. The Upanishads say, "he who seeks to know It exclusively, alone is chosen to know It."

Arjuna asks Lord Krishna to describe all His manifestations by which he envelopes the entire cosmos. Vedanta philosophy holds the view that Brahman in manifestation is Ishwara (God) and the total manifestation is the cosmos!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 13 & 14

27th July 2024

When it comes to understanding the birth of a child, we can ask the parents. However, when it comes to understanding the Lord who existed before creation, only He Himself can provide that knowledge. 

All the sages, who were created by Him, praise His greatness, while the Lord also speaks about His manifestations and power. 

Faith is the most important quality for a devotee, and Arjuna has no choice but to wholeheartedly accept the words of the Lord. Without faith, we cannot gain wisdom from the wise. 

The same level of faith should be applied to the teachings found in the scriptures, which are essentially the documented experiences of the ancient sages.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 11 & 12

26th July 2024

Many people believe that devotion alone is sufficient for Self-realization, while others insist on knowledge. Is one superior to the other?

Pujya Gurudev observed, "Use both the head and the heart to realize the Self. One without the other is incomplete." This understanding comes from Gurudev's interpretation of Lord Krishna's statement: "Out of compassion for my devotees, staying in their hearts with the luminous lamp of Knowledge, I destroy the darkness born of ignorance."

This lamp has the flame of knowledge, love as the ghee, sharp intellect as the wick, and the absence of wind as the absence of likes and dislikes. It is evident that without the ghee, the flame does not sustain, and without the wick, there will be no flame at all!

Upon hearing this, Arjuna exclaimed, "You are the supreme Brahman, the supreme Brilliance, the supreme Purifier, eternal divine Person, the Primal God, the Birthless, and the Omnipresent."

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 9 & 10

25th July 2024

Let us take the example of a dream. Who is responsible for the tragedies and comedies that happen in it? It is our own mind playing, and there is no one other than it. It plays both as a hero and a villain.

Similarly, when we understand that the world is the projection on Brahman by Maya, the wise person watches it like a dream, but stays fully awake!

Lord Krishna makes this point clear about the men of wisdom. 'With minds fixed on Me, with their lives fully dedicated to Me, the wise ones enlighten each other by speaking about Me and gaining full contentment and happiness.'

Due to the absence of love and hatred, likes and dislikes, fear and favor, such wise ones will reach the Lord after death or realize the nature of Brahman even while living in this world. For them, there is no more rebirth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 7 & 8

24th July 2024

The Lord's variety of manifestations is known as Vibhuti and His ability to accomplish this is known as Yoga. Thus the 10th chapter explaining this is known as Vibhuti Yoga.

One who realizes both these will have an undisturbed state of mind that does not oscillate while transacting in the world. 'He is all and He alone is doing everything! will be the attitude of such a wise one.

However, when we interact with people of various attitudes, abilities, and ambitions, we get confused about where it all stem from. Can Lord be responsible for all the good and bad that happens in the world?

Lord Krishna clarifies: 'I am the origin of all; everything happens due to Me. Realizing thus, the wise ones, filled with devotion, worship Me.'

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 5 & 6

23rd July 2024

  • Lord Krishna continues to list more qualities for which He is the source: non-injury, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy.
  • Although we all have these qualities to some extent, they are usually expressed when prompted by external circumstances or due to our inherent tendencies acquired over many lifetimes.
  • Vedanta teaches us that to create anything, both a material cause and an efficient cause are required, just like a potter needs clay and expertise to make a pot. For the creation of the Universe, both are necessary, and both are aspects of God Himself.
  • Lord Krishna enlightens Arjuna that His mind is the origin of creation. "The seven great sages and the four Manus of ancient days are born of My mind, as they had their thoughts fixed on Me to create this Universe."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 3 & 4

22nd July 2024

  • Who deserves our respect and devotion? Generally, we respect those with authority, power, wealth, or influence, and we also have respect for our parents. However, devotion is exclusive to the One who is all-powerful yet compassionate.
  • Understanding the Lord of the world as unborn and beginningless evokes devotion and removes fear and delusion about the uncertainties of life. Recognizing and feeling God's presence everywhere brings complete relief to the devoted individual.
  • The Lord not only creates the world and living beings but is also the source of all the qualities that give the creation its diversity.
  • Lord Krishna enumerates the qualities such as intelligence, wisdom, non-delusion, forgiveness, truth, control of external and internal organs, happiness, sorrow, birth, death, fear, and fearlessness which have all emerged from Him.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 1 & 2

21st July 2024

  • When we love someone, we ardently think of doing the best for that person. The well-being and happiness of our loved ones are important to us.
  • Lord Krishna feels the same way for His devotees. Arjuna, His most beloved friend, needed help to overcome his delusions about life and its goals. Lord Krishna spoke to him again, and Arjuna was delighted to be enlightened.
  • The origin of all religions is about creation and God. These two concepts are incomprehensible to the human mind. Naturally, every religion has its own theosophical speculations.
  • Lord Krishna says, "None of the divine powers (gods) or the sages know My majesty. In all respects, I am the source of the gods and the great sages."

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 33 & 34

20th July 2024

  • Those who possess divine virtues from birth are known as 'Brahmanas'. It is the quality of the mind and actions that define a Brahmana, not just their birth into a particular caste. 
  • Brahmanas naturally lean towards living a virtuous life, where they continue to worship God despite living in a world filled with sorrows and miseries. 
  • Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna that living a life focused on God is the way to free oneself from the bonds created by countless desires and past actions. 
  • He advises Arjuna: "Focus your mind on Me, be devoted, and make sacrifices to Me. Worship Me with a one-pointed mind, keeping Me as your ultimate Goal." 
  • What will be the outcome of this? He further adds, "You will certainly attain Me, who is your true Self!"

Friday, July 19, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 31 & 32

 19th July 2024

  • Life is full of choices if only we are ready to transform our lives for the better. Every day, we can choose to think nobly, do good, and evolve to become a better version of ourselves.
  • The past is dead and gone. We should consciously avoid regretting our past. Instead, we can choose to focus on doing our best in the present moment.
  • Lord Krishna advises: "He who becomes possessed of a virtuous mind attains everlasting peace." What is the virtuous mind? It is the mind that lives by the divine values of life to come closer to God's presence within. Lord Krishna urges Arjuna to proclaim to the world, "My devotee is never ruined."
  • Even if someone is born in an environment of sinners or with sinful dispositions, they can come out of it if the transformation is seriously pursued. 
  • Taking the support of God for personal growth is inevitable for those who are unable to overcome their weaknesses by themselves.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 29 & 30

18th July 2024

  • Is God and His grace only for those who worship Him? Is He partial to His devotees and does not take care of others?
  • Sunlight is everywhere and available to all, but its reflection takes place only in a mirror and not in a pot. Although impartial, the reflection occurs due to the quality of the mirror. Similarly, for the devotees, He is near, and not for others who do not bring Him into their thoughts.
  • Lord Krishna clarifies, "I am the same to all beings, none is dear to me and I hate none. But those who devoutly worship Me will exist in Me, and I too exist in them (as they will continuously remember Me)."
  • Who can become a devotee? Even if a sinner worships Him with one-pointed devotion, he is to be regarded as a saint who has resolved rightly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 27 & 28

17th July 2024

  • When we eat food, are we eating to nourish the entire body or for the taste? If we eat only for the taste, we will soon be unhealthy!
  • Similarly, if we remember that everything we do is for Brahman, we will soon become free of bondage and remain unaffected by the good and bad results that arise from our actions. Instead, if it is for the satisfaction of our ego, we will continue to remain in bondage.
  • Lord Krishna points out, "You should offer to Me whatever you do, eat, give, sacrifice, and the austerities you practice."
  • Renunciation is not about giving up possessions and actions; rather, it is doing everything for the higher Self or God.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 25 & 26

16th July 2024

  • The universe is governed and maintained by various laws and powers that are not created by humans or other created beings. They are regarded as divine powers by the ancients.
  • Each of these divine powers has its own abode, and they can be reached by those whose nature is sattva and who devoutly worship them. Even those who depart from the world have a place to dwell, known as the world of manes until they obtain rebirth.
  • Some traditions in the world advocate the worship of the manes. Those whose nature is Rajas worship the manes to attain their world and those whose nature is Tamas worship the negative forces that harm others and they reach the dark world.
  • Worshippers of Brahman are those who are wise and are on their way to enlightenment. They obtain liberation. Such worship is not any elaborate ritual at all.
  • Even a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water offered with devotion to Lord Krishna, the manifested form of Brahman, is sufficient. Lord Krishna says, "I accept that offering of the pure-hearted person which has been devotionally presented."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 23 & 24

15th July 2024

  • When you enter the temple of Lord Shiva, you see only a Shivalinga made of stone. However, for a devotee, it is not just a stone but Lord Shiva Himself. 
  • Worship is a divine and reverential thought of God projected onto the physical stone. Without reverence and devotion, it is merely a physical ritual and not worship at all. Worship is an expression of faith.
  • Even those who faithfully worship various forms of Gods are essentially worshipping Brahman alone, though not following the direct method. 
  • All the sacrifices offered in rituals reach Brahman only, for Brahman alone is the Lord of all rituals. Those who know this remain steadfast, meditating on the all-pervading Brahman through the rituals. Others, seeking only immediate gains, fail to attain liberation.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 21 & 22

14th July 2024

  • Experiencing pleasure through the senses provides temporary joy, keeping people occupied throughout their lives. All indulgences come to an end as the body weakens, but the mind continues to seek them. Consequently, people seek pleasure beyond death in the heavenly realms.
  • Heavenly pleasures are obtained through merits acquired by performing the rites outlined in the three Vedas. However, even these pleasures eventually cease, leading individuals to return to the human world once their merits are exhausted.
  • This cycle of ascending to heaven and returning to earth is endless for every soul and can only be transcended through understanding of the Absolute, Brahman.
  • Those who recognize themselves as inseparable from Brahman and continuously worship the manifested form of God as Brahman will be blessed with the necessities for life and security.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 19 & 20

13th July 2024

  • According to the Sankhyan philosophy, matter and energy are independent and they come together to cause creation. In Vedanta, which upholds non-dualism, there is only One. So, how does God sustain this universe and nourish everything?
  •  Lord Krishna explains, "I give heat (manifesting as the Sun and fire) and I withhold and pour down rain (to nourish the earth and its fertility). I am immortality (sought by spiritual seekers) and also death (of all living beings). I am both existence and nonexistence."
  • The Vedas prescribe rituals according to the desire of the performer. Rituals are usually referred to as 'sacrifice' because the performer must relinquish what is offered in the ritual to gain what is desired. 
  • Those who seek to reach the highest abode through the sacrifices are mentioned by Lord Krishna, "Those who know the Vedas, drinkers of Soma, and purified of sin, pray for the heavenly goal by worshipping Me through sacrifices."
  • Heaven is the place of all pleasures, yet it is not eternal. Having reached the world of gods by the credit of righteousness, they enjoy divine pleasures there..

Friday, July 12, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 17 & 18

12th July 2024

  • The intricacies of the universe have led the human mind to seek its cause. If God is the cause, is God more like a father or a mother? Furthermore, who existed before God, or who brought God into being?
  • In response to these questions, Lord Krishna states, "I am the father, mother, grandfather, and the great grandfather as well." 
  • What is the purpose of life in this universe? "I am to be known as most auspicious through the support of 'OM', the sacred syllable found in the Vedas - Rik, Yajus and Sama."
  • Among all living beings, humans carry out actions with specific desired outcomes in mind. The relationship between the action and the result is governed by a divine law.
  • Lord Krishna goes on to say, "I am the result of actions, I am the nourishing God and I witness everyone. I am the final abode, refuge, and friend of everyone. I am the origin, imperishable seed, sustainer, repository of everything, and also the end of all."

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 15 & 16

12th July 2024

  • The level of understanding of Reality depends on the knowledge possessed by individuals. Those seeking Truth follow the path of knowledge to realize Brahman.
  • The most advanced individuals understand that Brahman is without an equal, it alone is real, and everything else is a false appearance. 
  • Less advanced thinkers believe that Brahman manifests as celestial objects like the sun, moon, and divine deities. The lowest level of understanding is held by those who believe that Brahman appears as a diverse universe of beings. 
  • Lord Krishna explains that He encompasses everything, including non-living entities. 'I am the sacrifice mentioned in the Smritis and Vedas, the food offerings made to the departed and divine gods or consumed by beings, the medicinal herbs, the mantra, the clarified butter, the fire, and the act of offering into the fire as well.'

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 13 & 14

10th July 2024

  • The maturity of an individual is defined by wisdom. Experience and knowledge together form wisdom. Without experience, knowledge remains mere erudition, failing to help in self-emancipation.
  • Those who realize that the divine Self is one and the same in all are known as 'Mahatmas'. They do not discriminate against anyone based on caste, creed, color, gender, culture, or education.
  • They worship Lord Krishna as the manifestation of Brahman, the imperishable source of all beings, with unwavering devotion.
  • Their lives are filled with singing the glory of the Lord, self-discipline, and constant surrender to the Lord in every situation.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 11 & 12

9th July 2024

  • Krishna, the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, is often perceived as a human figure rather than an incarnation of God. Each incarnation has a specific purpose, and Lord Krishna has explicitly mentioned this in the Bhagavad Gita: 
  • "Whenever righteousness declines and evil rises, I incarnate to protect the saints, destroy the sinners, and re-establish righteousness." 
  • Even those who believe in His incarnation may not realize that He is none other than Brahman, the Absolute Reality, appearing as an individual. 
  • This lack of understanding is due to delusions stemming from desires, knowledge, actions, and misguided thinking. These delusions lead to demonic and evil tendencies, hindering self-growth and liberation.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 9 & 10

8th July 2024

  • The fifth secret is that neither the act of creation nor the creation itself binds God in any way. It can be compared to a dreamer creating a dream, which does not bind the person who is awake. 
  • According to Vedanta, the universe imagined by Brahman does not affect Brahman. Brahman is only referred to as God when it is related to creation. 
  • Even after realizing the transcendent presence of Brahman, the wise one continues to engage with creation, knowing it to be false. It is similar to a person being awake and watching his own dream.
  • The sixth secret is that in the presence of Brahman, the creative power, Prakriti, continues to engage in creation. Because of this, the cycle of creation and dissolution continues indefinitely.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 7 & 8

7th July 2024

  • As per the previous chapter, at the end of one day of Brahma, also known as 'Kalpa', all beings go into an unmanifest condition. They merge into the power of God known as Prakriti.
  • Just like we go into a deep sleep state every night and become unavailable to the world, and wake up the next morning to continue our life, all living beings become manifest again in the next kalpa.
  • The deep-rooted impressions and the results of actions performed by the soul continue to be present in every soul, even as it goes into an unmanifest condition.
  • The Prakriti is used by God to continue the creation cycle. All beings are under the control of Prakriti and cannot help being born again and again.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 5 & 6

6th July 2024

  • The example of the rope and snake shows that when we sincerely examine the situation, all the fears and worries caused by a mistaken perception disappear. 
  • The fourth secret is that when we recognize the presence of the divine exclusively, the universe and the bondage caused by wrong perception also vanish. This is known as the Divine Yoga of the Lord. 
  • He supports all beings without being bound by them, and His own Self appears as the universe. 
  • Just as the air can move within space, all beings are within Him. This is the concept of God in Vedanta. 
  • If we see the creation, it is God Himself who is appearing as the creation. When we realize God, the creation will merge with Him.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 3 & 4

5th July 2024

  • In the previous chapter, the concept of the path of no return was discussed. Here, there is a reminder to Arujna about the importance of faith. Simply believing in something binds the soul, while having faith in it liberates the soul.
  • Lacking faith in the 'Royal secret', which is accessible to all, not only deprives the soul of reaching its final destination but also results in the soul returning to mortal existence repeatedly.
  • The first secret is: 'Who is God?' He is omnipresent, though unseen. The second secret is: 'How is He connected to the creation?' All beings exist within Him. The third secret is: 'Is He bound by His creation?' No, He is never bound.
  • To help understand this, let's reflect on it with an example. When I mistake a rope for a snake, the imagined snake truly resides on the unseen rope; the rope has never turned into the snake.
  • Likewise, the creation is visible to us, while what truly remains is only the Lord. Everything exists within Him.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 1 & 2

4th July 2024

  • The greatest secret of life is life itself! Only by understanding life can we comprehend and accept death. Because death is not the end of life, but rather its manifestation through the body.
  • We only share secrets with those who are very dear to us. Lord Krishna shares the most hidden secret with Arjuna, a secret that will free him from all calamities and suffering.
  • The secret He reveals is the greatest of all secrets, termed by Him as the 'Royal Secret.' In ancient times, the world's rulers knew of this auspicious secret.
  • This secret is hidden within everyone and available for direct experience. It is pure, imperishable, and the most suitable pursuit, which is easy to practice according to Lord Krishna.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 8 verses 27 & 28

3rd July 2024

  • A yogi is not just a practitioner of yoga postures and breath control. Even the advanced practice of concentration (dharana) is a preparation for focused attention on the Self for a true yogi. 
  • Knowing the two paths available for every human being, an enlightened yogi will choose the path of no return, consciously overcoming deep impressions (vasanas) with the right action, knowledge, and devotion. 
  • The Vedas prescribe many different rituals and austerities for self-discipline and charities for attaining higher temporary worlds. 
  • However, a yogi goes beyond these and strives for self-perfection through the practice of self-abidance in yoga. Ultimately, the yogi attains the highest abode of Brahman upon leaving the body during the Northern Solstice.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 8 verses 25 & 26

2nd July 2024

  • The six months of Southern Solstice, it is believed to be the path of return for those who have not lived their lives understanding their karma and failed to realize their essential nature as Brahman. 
  • Even in those six months, the dark fortnight and nighttime are considered the most inauspicious. The path is characterized by smoke and only the light of the moon, as the earth is far from the Sun. 
  • Both the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon are known to be eternal paths. One is the path of no return, and the other is the path of return. 
  • The path of return is to be born again only to experience the results of one's own actions and the inherent vasanas which are not exhausted.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 8 verses 23 & 24

1st July 2024

  • Every beginning has an end. For example, birth is followed by death. Alternatively, the beginning itself can be the end, just as the cause is the ultimate end of the effect.
  • However, when the soul leaves the body, it can choose to return or not. This choice is only possible when one understands the nature of karma and its effects, and lives accordingly. The path of no return is known as liberation or moksha.
  • According to Hindu belief, the six months of the Northern solstice are considered the most suitable time to leave the body and take the path of no return.
  • Even within these six months,, it is preferable for those who have realized Brahman to leave the body and attain Brahman during the bright fortnight and daytime. The path will be marked by fire and light, as the Sun is closer to Earth during the Northern Solstice.

Gita reflection Ch 11 verses 54 & 55

7th September 2024   Is it possible for anyone to experience the vision of God's all-pervading presence? Yes. The main requirement is to...