Thursday, July 11, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 15 & 16

12th July 2024

  • The level of understanding of Reality depends on the knowledge possessed by individuals. Those seeking Truth follow the path of knowledge to realize Brahman.
  • The most advanced individuals understand that Brahman is without an equal, it alone is real, and everything else is a false appearance. 
  • Less advanced thinkers believe that Brahman manifests as celestial objects like the sun, moon, and divine deities. The lowest level of understanding is held by those who believe that Brahman appears as a diverse universe of beings. 
  • Lord Krishna explains that He encompasses everything, including non-living entities. 'I am the sacrifice mentioned in the Smritis and Vedas, the food offerings made to the departed and divine gods or consumed by beings, the medicinal herbs, the mantra, the clarified butter, the fire, and the act of offering into the fire as well.'

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