Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 1 & 2

21st July 2024

  • When we love someone, we ardently think of doing the best for that person. The well-being and happiness of our loved ones are important to us.
  • Lord Krishna feels the same way for His devotees. Arjuna, His most beloved friend, needed help to overcome his delusions about life and its goals. Lord Krishna spoke to him again, and Arjuna was delighted to be enlightened.
  • The origin of all religions is about creation and God. These two concepts are incomprehensible to the human mind. Naturally, every religion has its own theosophical speculations.
  • Lord Krishna says, "None of the divine powers (gods) or the sages know My majesty. In all respects, I am the source of the gods and the great sages."

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