Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 25 & 26

16th July 2024

  • The universe is governed and maintained by various laws and powers that are not created by humans or other created beings. They are regarded as divine powers by the ancients.
  • Each of these divine powers has its own abode, and they can be reached by those whose nature is sattva and who devoutly worship them. Even those who depart from the world have a place to dwell, known as the world of manes until they obtain rebirth.
  • Some traditions in the world advocate the worship of the manes. Those whose nature is Rajas worship the manes to attain their world and those whose nature is Tamas worship the negative forces that harm others and they reach the dark world.
  • Worshippers of Brahman are those who are wise and are on their way to enlightenment. They obtain liberation. Such worship is not any elaborate ritual at all.
  • Even a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water offered with devotion to Lord Krishna, the manifested form of Brahman, is sufficient. Lord Krishna says, "I accept that offering of the pure-hearted person which has been devotionally presented."

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