Friday, July 19, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 31 & 32

 19th July 2024

  • Life is full of choices if only we are ready to transform our lives for the better. Every day, we can choose to think nobly, do good, and evolve to become a better version of ourselves.
  • The past is dead and gone. We should consciously avoid regretting our past. Instead, we can choose to focus on doing our best in the present moment.
  • Lord Krishna advises: "He who becomes possessed of a virtuous mind attains everlasting peace." What is the virtuous mind? It is the mind that lives by the divine values of life to come closer to God's presence within. Lord Krishna urges Arjuna to proclaim to the world, "My devotee is never ruined."
  • Even if someone is born in an environment of sinners or with sinful dispositions, they can come out of it if the transformation is seriously pursued. 
  • Taking the support of God for personal growth is inevitable for those who are unable to overcome their weaknesses by themselves.

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