Friday, July 26, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 11 & 12

26th July 2024

Many people believe that devotion alone is sufficient for Self-realization, while others insist on knowledge. Is one superior to the other?

Pujya Gurudev observed, "Use both the head and the heart to realize the Self. One without the other is incomplete." This understanding comes from Gurudev's interpretation of Lord Krishna's statement: "Out of compassion for my devotees, staying in their hearts with the luminous lamp of Knowledge, I destroy the darkness born of ignorance."

This lamp has the flame of knowledge, love as the ghee, sharp intellect as the wick, and the absence of wind as the absence of likes and dislikes. It is evident that without the ghee, the flame does not sustain, and without the wick, there will be no flame at all!

Upon hearing this, Arjuna exclaimed, "You are the supreme Brahman, the supreme Brilliance, the supreme Purifier, eternal divine Person, the Primal God, the Birthless, and the Omnipresent."

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 9 & 10

25th July 2024

Let us take the example of a dream. Who is responsible for the tragedies and comedies that happen in it? It is our own mind playing, and there is no one other than it. It plays both as a hero and a villain.

Similarly, when we understand that the world is the projection on Brahman by Maya, the wise person watches it like a dream, but stays fully awake!

Lord Krishna makes this point clear about the men of wisdom. 'With minds fixed on Me, with their lives fully dedicated to Me, the wise ones enlighten each other by speaking about Me and gaining full contentment and happiness.'

Due to the absence of love and hatred, likes and dislikes, fear and favor, such wise ones will reach the Lord after death or realize the nature of Brahman even while living in this world. For them, there is no more rebirth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 7 & 8

24th July 2024

The Lord's variety of manifestations is known as Vibhuti and His ability to accomplish this is known as Yoga. Thus the 10th chapter explaining this is known as Vibhuti Yoga.

One who realizes both these will have an undisturbed state of mind that does not oscillate while transacting in the world. 'He is all and He alone is doing everything! will be the attitude of such a wise one.

However, when we interact with people of various attitudes, abilities, and ambitions, we get confused about where it all stem from. Can Lord be responsible for all the good and bad that happens in the world?

Lord Krishna clarifies: 'I am the origin of all; everything happens due to Me. Realizing thus, the wise ones, filled with devotion, worship Me.'

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 5 & 6

23rd July 2024

  • Lord Krishna continues to list more qualities for which He is the source: non-injury, equanimity, satisfaction, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy.
  • Although we all have these qualities to some extent, they are usually expressed when prompted by external circumstances or due to our inherent tendencies acquired over many lifetimes.
  • Vedanta teaches us that to create anything, both a material cause and an efficient cause are required, just like a potter needs clay and expertise to make a pot. For the creation of the Universe, both are necessary, and both are aspects of God Himself.
  • Lord Krishna enlightens Arjuna that His mind is the origin of creation. "The seven great sages and the four Manus of ancient days are born of My mind, as they had their thoughts fixed on Me to create this Universe."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 3 & 4

22nd July 2024

  • Who deserves our respect and devotion? Generally, we respect those with authority, power, wealth, or influence, and we also have respect for our parents. However, devotion is exclusive to the One who is all-powerful yet compassionate.
  • Understanding the Lord of the world as unborn and beginningless evokes devotion and removes fear and delusion about the uncertainties of life. Recognizing and feeling God's presence everywhere brings complete relief to the devoted individual.
  • The Lord not only creates the world and living beings but is also the source of all the qualities that give the creation its diversity.
  • Lord Krishna enumerates the qualities such as intelligence, wisdom, non-delusion, forgiveness, truth, control of external and internal organs, happiness, sorrow, birth, death, fear, and fearlessness which have all emerged from Him.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 1 & 2

21st July 2024

  • When we love someone, we ardently think of doing the best for that person. The well-being and happiness of our loved ones are important to us.
  • Lord Krishna feels the same way for His devotees. Arjuna, His most beloved friend, needed help to overcome his delusions about life and its goals. Lord Krishna spoke to him again, and Arjuna was delighted to be enlightened.
  • The origin of all religions is about creation and God. These two concepts are incomprehensible to the human mind. Naturally, every religion has its own theosophical speculations.
  • Lord Krishna says, "None of the divine powers (gods) or the sages know My majesty. In all respects, I am the source of the gods and the great sages."

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 9 verses 33 & 34

20th July 2024

  • Those who possess divine virtues from birth are known as 'Brahmanas'. It is the quality of the mind and actions that define a Brahmana, not just their birth into a particular caste. 
  • Brahmanas naturally lean towards living a virtuous life, where they continue to worship God despite living in a world filled with sorrows and miseries. 
  • Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna that living a life focused on God is the way to free oneself from the bonds created by countless desires and past actions. 
  • He advises Arjuna: "Focus your mind on Me, be devoted, and make sacrifices to Me. Worship Me with a one-pointed mind, keeping Me as your ultimate Goal." 
  • What will be the outcome of this? He further adds, "You will certainly attain Me, who is your true Self!"

Gita reflection Ch 10 verses 11 & 12

26th July 2024 Many people believe that devotion alone is sufficient for Self-realization, while others insist on knowledge. Is one superior...