Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 12 verses 7 & 8

11th September 2024

"Where is my mind now? We should often ask ourselves this question. We might be surprised to discover that our mind is either wandering or lost and buried in worries and anxieties.

Lord Krishna assures Arjuna, 'Those who give their minds to Me, I quickly deliver them from the ocean of the world, with all its uncertainties and death.'

The mind is the seat of emotions and intellect is the seat of decisions. When emotions overpower us, our decisions become partial; when we make decisions without any feelings, we become rigid and inflexible.

The intelligent union of the mind and the intellect is possible when we offer both to the Lord. With the Lord in our hearts, we can invoke emotional intelligence. Lord Krishna states that such a person will remain with Him forever without any doubt."

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