Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 12 verses 5 & 6

10th September 2024

Ever since we were born, we have strongly and unquestionably identified with our bodies. Interestingly, no one has ever explicitly told us that we are the body!

After studying the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, when we decide to explore and experience the unmanifest nature of Brahman, we come up against a formidable obstacle: the ego, which has kept us bound to the body.

The journey will be very challenging if we have not loosened the grip of the ego. However, if we follow the simple instructions given by Lord Krishna, we can weaken the ego. 

He instructed Arjuna, "Dedicate all your actions to me. Accept me as the Supreme, and meditate upon me with one-pointed attention."

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