Sunday, September 15, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 12 verses 15 & 16

15th September 2024

A true devotee consciously emulates the qualities of the Lord. Pujya Gurudev said: 'Love is sustained in constant identification with the beloved!'

As the Lord is the very embodiment of compassion, so too is His devotee who remains undisturbed by the world and also does not disturb the world by actions and words. His devotee is free from joy, impatience, fear, and anxiety.

How does the devotee remain undisturbed? Desires and actions disturb the mind which causes all selfish engagements in the world.

When a devotee finds his fulfillment in the remembrance and worship of the Lord, he remains free of desires, all undertakings, and fear. He also becomes impartial, dexterous, and pure-hearted.

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