Friday, September 13, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 12 verses 11 & 12

13th September 2024

Even engaging in actions related to God is not easy for many. For most people, worldly duties and responsibilities take top priority, making it hard for them to engage exclusively in worship. 

But the compassionate Lord understands this predicament. He said: "If you are unable to perform actions for Me, continue to engage in your worldly duties but give up the results for Me while keeping your mind centered on Me."

As mentioned earlier, mindless practice does not lead to the purification of the mind or perfect attunement of the intellect. The Lord reiterated, "Knowledge is superior to practice indeed!"

However, knowledge should not stay as mere intellectual understanding. Meditation is superior to knowledge. Even the practice of meditation is fruitless if one has not renounced the results of action. Therefore, renunciation, which is superior to even meditation alone, can lead one to true peace.

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