Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 11 verses 54 & 55

7th September 2024


Is it possible for anyone to experience the vision of God's all-pervading presence? Yes. The main requirement is to have unwavering devotion to God.


Lord Krishna assures us that a devoted person can 'Know,' 'See,' and 'Enter' into Him. 'Knowing' comes from listening to the spiritual teacher and understanding the presence of God in one's own heart. 

'Seeing' is achieved through the practice of meditation, where one consistently attempts to dwell in the Self. 'Entering' is the ultimate merging into the Self in the state of 'Samadhi' - total absorption.


At the end of this chapter, Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna to continue his spiritual practice by working for God and accepting Him as the goal of life. Through devotion and detachment, one can develop all-encompassing compassion for all living beings, which will help him reach God.

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