Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 11 verses 32 & 33

27th August 2024

In response to Arjuna's question, the Lord said, 'I am Time, the destroyer of the world. I have grown mighty in stature and engaged in dissolving all creatures. Even without you, Arjuna, all warriors on both sides will perish.'

This has been incorrectly paraphrased by Robert Oppenheimer, who quoted the Bhagavad Gita while observing the erupting fireball from the atomic bomb explosion in Los Alamos, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, as "Now, I am (have) become Death, the destroyer of the worlds."

The Lord's statement is meant to indicate that He is the cause of the universe and that everything will end in Him alone. Time is simply the conditioned expression of the divine law of creation and destruction.

Having already demonstrated that the Kauravas would perish in the war, the Lord commanded Arjuna to engage in the battle, defeat the enemies, and enjoy the rich kingdom. He even encouraged him by saying, 'Be merely my instrument, as I have already killed all your enemies!'

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