Friday, June 21, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 8 verses 3 & 4

21st June 2024

  • Lord Krishna began to answer the questions of Arjuna. Brahman is the imperishable  Reality (अक्षरम्) which was present before creation and will remain forever even after the dissolution of everything that is created.
  • Knowledge of Brahman (अध्यात्म) is the means to know It. Indeed, the knowledge itself is Brahman. This is the subject of all Upanishads and also the Bhagavad Gita. 
  • The universe was created by the power of delusion (माया) that rests with Brahman. The process of creation is known as action (कर्म).
  • The basic elements that manifest as a created universe are perishable (क्षरम्) and it is the Awareness that recognizes the creation (अधिदैवम्), and the presiding deity as well as all the ritual sacrifice (अधियज्ञ), is Lord Himself in the body.

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