Thursday, June 6, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 7 verses 3 & 4

6th June 2024

  • Not all human beings are interested in liberation. Many do not even know that they can be free from the endless cycle of birth and death.
  • Even those who know may find it hard to take up the required sadhana in their life. It is hard to change the habits of the mind, which has traveled through many lives with the soul.
  • Even those who apply assiduously to know the Self and be liberated from bondage may not succeed in achieving it easily. Lord Krishna says, "Knowing the Self is knowing Me!"
  • Why is it hard? To understand the hardship, we should know what we are bound by. The gross personality is closely identified with eight aspects of the lower nature or prakriti: earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and ego.
  • This eight-fold nature is present in our body as well as in all the objects and beings that we experience in the world.

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