Sunday, June 16, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 7 verses 23 & 24

16th June 2024

  • The outcomes of worldly deeds, including rituals and worship, are temporary and perishable. Those who lack wisdom are the ones who seek after these. 
  • Only by deeply reflecting on the ultimate goal of human life can we realize that engaging in actions for limited results is a waste of time and effort.
  • Worshippers seeking specific benefits will reach the abode of the gods. However, those who worship Ishwara, the universal presence of Brahman in the world of transactions, will reach His abode. 
  • In reality, Brahman never transforms into any form. Yet, for those of us who continue to perceive the world as real, Brahman is depicted as Ishwara, the creator. He is the same one who appears before Arjuna as Krishna.
  • Without this knowledge, everyone only saw Him as Krishna, the human son of Devaki and Vasudeva.

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