Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Gita reflection Ch 6 Verses 4 & 5

14th May 2024

  • Our thoughts are the expressions of deeply ingrained patterns in our psyche called vasanas. These impressions are from the many lives our soul has passed through.
  • We only become aware of our vasanas when they appear as thoughts, and as we habitually pursue these thoughts, the vasanas continue to multiply and flow more and more. Lord Krishna advises Arjun to stop this pursuit.
  • In the beginning, we cannot abruptly stop our thoughts. However, we can convert our actions into positive, pure expressions of our thoughts. By doing so, we can gradually reduce our compulsive engagement with our thoughts. 
  • This process must be done by ourselves – it should be a constant practice to reach a perfect calm and quiet mind. Although it's hard, we should not give up easily or look down upon ourselves.
  • We must learn to befriend our mind, which is the seat of our thoughts. If we force the mind, it will become our first enemy!

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