30th November 2024
According to Hindu scriptures, every soul must face the consequences of actions performed over many lives, which is the basis of the rebirth theory.
The circumstances of the current birth arise from actions that are now yielding results. Those who strongly identify with their physical bodies, due to a lack of Self-Knowledge, find it difficult to completely renounce actions.
However, such individuals can still elevate themselves to the level of a 'Tyagi' by relinquishing the fruits of their actions in this life. This practice purifies their minds, freeing them from anxiety.
There are three potential outcomes from actions: 1. favorable results, 2. unfavorable results, and 3. a combination of both.
Those who do not fully give up actions will inevitably reap these results. In contrast, a person who has embraced renunciation will remain unaffected by these outcomes, as they abide by their true Self.